With the implementation of SBS at Edible Blooms’ Melbourne headquarters, massive improvements in time management, email access, and data security were immediate.
Kelly explains: “itro’s experience in developing similar solutions for small business was obvious right from the start. The consultant who worked us had taken the time to understand our business and ensured that SBS was set up to meet our needs.”
At a data security level, and with an enormous amount of data flowing in to Edible Blooms from on-line orders via email, itro’s introduction of an SBS-based data backup and security solution is affording optimum levels of protection. Where emails, which are the very lifeblood of Edible Blooms, were previously stored locally on each computer, itro’s SBS configuration now has every email regularly and securely backed up.
“I’ve been through the horrors of losing data and emails before,” Kelly states. “And it’s something — especially with the business growing so rapidly — that I never want to experience again. What itro has delivered is a big business solution at a small business budget.”.