BrandJacked! MYOB, Telstra, Bank of Queensland and more

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BrandJacked! MYOB, Telstra, Bank of Queensland and more

Alert: Watch out for the following scams circulating this week

Cybercriminals are impersonating Telstra and MYOB in a large scale email campaign. Tell your team to be careful of the below scams:


Below is the second brand-jacking of MYOB within the last two weeks, with a similar invoice scam requesting a document to be signed. 

2. Telstra

Scammers are impersonating Telstra with a well-designed invoice email that is hard to distinguish from a real Telstra communications. Tip: always check the sender’s email address, this is the biggest give away email legitimacy.

3. Bank of Queensland

Another well-known Australian brand targeted requesting personal bank details has been detected.

4. An Email Scammer Impersonating a Photographer 

Majority of the time, email scammers use trusted and known Australian brands, however, in this case, they are using the ‘under the radar’ approach posing as a photographer. People may be confused and click the malicious link.

Don’t get scammed

Worried about the number of malicious emails delivered to your mailbox? Try itro’s premium Mail Scan solution, powered by MailGuard, to be protected against email scammers.

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