Why Is Everyone Talking About Having Extra Layers Of Security?

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Why Is Everyone Talking About Having Extra Layers Of Security?

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Abusing our ‘Humanity’ To Steal Data

Would you rate yourself as a kind, or helpful person? Does your team pride itself on its customer service? If you’ve answered ‘yes’, please read this…

I’ve just watched a cybercrime video by NYT Tech Columnist Kevin Roose (bit.ly/2XZNDKr) that was re-posted on Twitter by my colleague @tori.vitsas It’s a horrible insight into how cyber criminals use our humanity against us to steal our private and business data.

Friction between Technology and Humanity

Are you a 70’s child like me? I’ve always been a sci-fi fan – books, series, movies – and find it amazing how much technology theorised in the last decade is already reality! Maybe that’s why mention of ‘cyber’ not only screams technology to me, it transports me back to Terminator, or watching cyborgs terrorise humans in Battlestar Galactica. Sci-Fi writers have long tapped into the storyline of advancing technology impacting humanity (think Isaac Asimov and his ‘Robot Empire’ trilogy).

So, what’s this got to do with being kind?

Kindness is a basic quality of humanity. Most people, given the right circumstances or opportunity, want to be helpful, whether we’re at work or otherwise. We see or hear of someone having difficulties or in less fortunate circumstances than ours and, if it’s within our power, we give them a helping hand.

As businesses, our most valuable employees are often ones who ‘put the client first’, making positive connections that promote ongoing relationships. But it’s this quality of kindness, or helpfulness, that hackers are using to get access to our personal and business data and accounts.

Kevin Roose’s video takes us to DEF CON®, America’s premier hacking conference. Yep, you read right. DEF CON® draws hackers, corporate IT professionals, and three letter government agencies from around the world to Las Vegas, USA, every summer to absorb cutting edge hacking research and test their skills. Kevin’s mission is simple: ask attending hackers to see if they can break into his personal accounts. He’s confident they’ll prove difficult to hack – he is, after all, a Tech columnist!

Watch bit.ly/2XZNDKr to see how easily a hacker, using a mobile and the simple psychology of ‘helping an exhausted mum with crying baby’, gains access to his personal email account in under 30 seconds. Truly scary! And ask yourself, could this happen to you? Or your team?

Add an Extra Layer of Security to Your Data

The purpose of this article isn’t to alarm you, but to encourage you to be proactive in protecting your data. Have you implemented email securities to give your team an extra layer of protection from malicious attacks? Do you give your team the training, encouragement and time to interrogate legitimacy of incoming emails before they click on links? If you’d like more information, fill out the form at bit.ly/2XZNDKr to get a free article on 5 ways you can stop hackers from stealing your data, or visit our website.

Take Your Security to The Next Level

Take your security to the next level by doing what Kevin Roose did – get an expert’s advice.

Give itro a call on 1800 10 3000 to get one of our engineers explore if your current IT systems have any weak points or for advice on how we can give your team an extra layer of security. For true peace of mind, talk to us about itro SBR (Secure Backup Recovery) – a guaranteed way to recover lost data. Or you can check out our product and pricing for yourself on our website.

We don’t need to be afraid of cyborgs! Data security comes from having a proactive, two-pronged approach: technology and human. Call us now on 1800 10 3000 to get the extra layer of security you need to protect yourself, your team and your data.

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